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Scientific American 1894-01-20

ScientificAmerican1894-01-20.jpg Open Road for Boys 1933-06ThumbnailsScientific American 1897-01-23Open Road for Boys 1933-06ThumbnailsScientific American 1897-01-23Open Road for Boys 1933-06ThumbnailsScientific American 1897-01-23Open Road for Boys 1933-06ThumbnailsScientific American 1897-01-23Open Road for Boys 1933-06ThumbnailsScientific American 1897-01-23

New optical lantern and electric lamp. Lantern with optical bench -- showing polariscope. Demonstration shown with travel and/or history photographs from lecture.

Source: Steve Kirch, collector, and creator of a great website about SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN in the past

Restoration by: magscanner