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Anderson Light Static Machine -1913A

Anderson Light Static Machine -1913A.jpg ThumbnailsMeteor Oscillation Transformers -1917AThumbnailsMeteor Oscillation Transformers -1917AThumbnailsMeteor Oscillation Transformers -1917AThumbnailsMeteor Oscillation Transformers -1917AThumbnailsMeteor Oscillation Transformers -1917A

Classic Wimshurst static machine, sold by the Anderson Light and Spec. Company of Chicago. Get a wireless lesson for free, with purchase of $1.00; get all twenty. Boys in Chicago, come in and visit and see our line; Western distributors for the Electro Importing Co. [Gernsback]. Published in the August, 1913 issue of MODERN ELECTRICS.

Source: Magazine collector Steve Davis

Restoration by: magscanner