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Lewis & DeRoy Radios -1922A

Lewis _amp_ DeRoy Radios -1922A.jpg Lever Brothers Cleansers -1949AThumbnailsLibby's Canned Foods -1901ALever Brothers Cleansers -1949AThumbnailsLibby's Canned Foods -1901ALever Brothers Cleansers -1949AThumbnailsLibby's Canned Foods -1901ALever Brothers Cleansers -1949AThumbnailsLibby's Canned Foods -1901ALever Brothers Cleansers -1949AThumbnailsLibby's Canned Foods -1901A

Who were Lewis and DeRoy? The Conqueror was "formerly custon built for particular Radio Fans...Now available for distribution through jobbers and distributors who want the vbest for customers who DEMAND the best." Lots of technical data; headquarters in New York City. Published in the October, 1922 issue of RADIO NEWS.

Source: Magazine collector Steve Davis

Restoration by: magscanner