IverJohnsonRevolvers-1911A.jpg Iver Johnson Revolvers -1909AThumbnailsIver Johnson Revolvers -1913AIver Johnson Revolvers -1909AThumbnailsIver Johnson Revolvers -1913AIver Johnson Revolvers -1909AThumbnailsIver Johnson Revolvers -1913AIver Johnson Revolvers -1909AThumbnailsIver Johnson Revolvers -1913AIver Johnson Revolvers -1909AThumbnailsIver Johnson Revolvers -1913A

Ad for Iver Johnson revolvers, from the May, 1911 issue of COSMOPOLITAN. I sure do miss those warm, lazy days in camp when I used to be able to shoot of a couple dozen shots and test the gun and maybe bag a squirrel or a park ranger.

Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: magscanner