Arguably the first crime pulp, DETECTIVE STORY began in 1915 and published 1057 issues before it finally died, as a quarterly, in 1949. For it number of years, it was published every week!
- Detective Story 1916-10-05 2503 visits
- Detective Story 1916-10-20 2213 visits
- Detective Story 1916-11-05 2607 visits
- Detective Story 1916-11-20 1968 visits
- Detective Story 1916-12-05 2749 visits
- Detective Story 1916-12-20 2421 visits
- Detective Story 1930-01-25 2120 visits
- Detective Story 1930-02-08 2258 visits
- Detective Story 1930-02-15 2244 visits
- Detective Story 1930-02-22 2150 visits
- Detective Story 1930-03-01 2782 visits
- Detective Story 1932-07-16 235 visits
- Detective Story 1936-01 257 visits
- Detective Story 1937-12 192 visits