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Scientific American 1899-09-09

ScientificAmerican1899-09-09.jpg Scientific American 1899-09-02ThumbnailsScientific American 1899-09-16Scientific American 1899-09-02ThumbnailsScientific American 1899-09-16Scientific American 1899-09-02ThumbnailsScientific American 1899-09-16Scientific American 1899-09-02ThumbnailsScientific American 1899-09-16Scientific American 1899-09-02ThumbnailsScientific American 1899-09-16

The Snake Dance of the Moki Indians, Arizona -- II. Oraibi, 1898 - throwing the snakes. The Snake Men. Antelope priests in line. Carrying the snakes in the mouth. Descending into Antelope Kiva at Walpi.

Source: Steve Kirch, collector, and creator of a great website about SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN in the past

Restoration by: magscanner