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Franco-American French Soups -1888A

Franco-AmericanFrenchSoups-1888.jpg Curtice Brothers Soups -1903AThumbnailsFranco-American French Soups -1891ACurtice Brothers Soups -1903AThumbnailsFranco-American French Soups -1891ACurtice Brothers Soups -1903AThumbnailsFranco-American French Soups -1891ACurtice Brothers Soups -1903AThumbnailsFranco-American French Soups -1891ACurtice Brothers Soups -1903AThumbnailsFranco-American French Soups -1891A

Ad for Franco-American French Soups, from the June, 1888 issue of HARPER'S MONTHLY. Rather a bit of understatement

Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: magscanner