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Certain-teed Paints and Varnishes -1919A

Certain-Teed Paints and Varnishes -1919A.jpg Bixby's Shoe Polish -1920AThumbnailsBixby's Shoe Polish -1920AThumbnailsBixby's Shoe Polish -1920AThumbnailsBixby's Shoe Polish -1920AThumbnailsBixby's Shoe Polish -1920AThumbnails

You should buy our paints because we are who we are, and our name means first quality. OK, but why is this woman buying paint when she's going to have it done by her painter? And why is there an image of a blind woman in the background? Just what are they trying to imply? From nga.gov: "Accustomed to darkness, blind Nydia uses her acute hearing to find the two, leading them to safety at the shore; but in the end, despairing of the impossibility of her love, she drowns herself." Published in the October, 1919 issue of the PEOPLE'S HOME JOURNAL.


Source: Charles Perrien

Restoration by: Charles Perrien