Freshman Radio Kit -1924A.jpg Federal Radio Products -1922AThumbnailsFrost Fones -1922AFederal Radio Products -1922AThumbnailsFrost Fones -1922AFederal Radio Products -1922AThumbnailsFrost Fones -1922AFederal Radio Products -1922AThumbnailsFrost Fones -1922AFederal Radio Products -1922AThumbnailsFrost Fones -1922A

From Chas. Freshman Co., Inc., this is actually a kit for a triple tuned radio-frequency set, based on their variable capacitors. You use it to build a receiver, in a piece of the puzzle not shown here. Nice rendering of the object of prize. Freshman eventually became the manufacturer of Earl radios and Freed radios. Published in the October, 1924 issue of RADIO ENGINEERING.

Source: Magazine collector Steve Davis

Restoration by: magscanner