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Burr McIntosh Monthly -1904A

Burr McIntosh Monthly -1904A.jpg Bliss Brothers Jewelry -1928AThumbnailsCentury 1913-06Bliss Brothers Jewelry -1928AThumbnailsCentury 1913-06Bliss Brothers Jewelry -1928AThumbnailsCentury 1913-06Bliss Brothers Jewelry -1928AThumbnailsCentury 1913-06Bliss Brothers Jewelry -1928AThumbnailsCentury 1913-06

Ad for the special Christmas 1904 issue of BURR-MCINTOSH MONTHLY, published in the November, 1904 issue of FOUR-TRACK NEWS. This gives you some idea of what the magazine thought its audience was.

Source: University of California Libraries; scan by magscanner

Restoration by: magscanner