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Collier's 1930-08-23

Collier_s 1930-08-23.jpg Certain-teed Paints and Varnishes -1919AThumbnailsCongoleum Rugs -1920'sACertain-teed Paints and Varnishes -1919AThumbnailsCongoleum Rugs -1920'sACertain-teed Paints and Varnishes -1919AThumbnailsCongoleum Rugs -1920'sACertain-teed Paints and Varnishes -1919AThumbnailsCongoleum Rugs -1920'sA

Woman in multi-colored, colorful, maybe Bohemian clothes and harem pants, holding a beach ball. Content: "Sin in the Desert," by William G. Shepherd, and "Synthetic Honeymoon," by Stephen Morehouse Avery.

Artist: Ida Aylward

Source: eBay seller daysoffuturepast, who also sells printed materials from her personal website.

Restoration by: magscanner