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Leslie's Weekly 1916-08-03

LesliesWeekly1916-08-03.jpg Leslie's Weekly 1916-06-15ThumbnailsLeslie's Weekly 1917-12-01Leslie's Weekly 1916-06-15ThumbnailsLeslie's Weekly 1917-12-01Leslie's Weekly 1916-06-15ThumbnailsLeslie's Weekly 1917-12-01Leslie's Weekly 1916-06-15ThumbnailsLeslie's Weekly 1917-12-01

LESLIE'S WEEKLY for August 3, 1916, and modern American maiden forms romantic triangle with a soldier and a sailor. Is that Preparedness, or what?!?

Artist: Orson Lowell

Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: Michael Ward