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Arrow Collars -1918A

Arrow Collars -1918A.jpg Armstrong Linoleum -1931BThumbnailsArrow Collars -1925AArmstrong Linoleum -1931BThumbnailsArrow Collars -1925AArmstrong Linoleum -1931BThumbnailsArrow Collars -1925AArmstrong Linoleum -1931BThumbnailsArrow Collars -1925A

Ad for Arrow Collars, with small profile of a man on large block of white with generic text. Lustreless domestic laundry finish, barred end button holes, and fixed cravat slide space. Published in the November 8, 1918 issue of the HARVARD LAMPOON

Artist: J. C. Leyendecker

Source: Cynde Georgen, Trail End Historic Site, Sheridan Wyoming

Restoration by: Cynde Georgen