![Portraits of George Burns and Gracie Allen, Oh, there you go again, George. Content: Here's the Real Ruth Etting, Why [Jack] Benny Laughs, Crazy Burns and Allen, and Al Smith ... Why I Came Into 'Raddio'.
Source: Robert, KD4HSH
Restoration by: magscanner Radio Mirror 1934-02.jpg](_data/i/galleries/general/moviestvradio/radiomirror/Radio Mirror 1934-02-me.jpg)
Portraits of George Burns and Gracie Allen, "Oh, there you go again, George." Content: "Here's the Real Ruth Etting," "Why [Jack] Benny Laughs," "Crazy Burns and Allen," and "Al Smith ... Why I Came Into 'Raddio'."
Source: Robert, KD4HSH
Restoration by: magscanner
- Created on
- Wednesday 18 January 2012
- Posted on
- Wednesday 18 January 2012
- Visits
- 2102